Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material

Galaxy is a great solution to train the bioinformatics concepts: numerous bioinformatics tools are available (more than 7,000 in the ToolShed), it can be used by people without any computer science skills, it trains to use technology, outlining available resources and efforts that have made them accessible to researchers, it is scalable.
In 2016, the Galaxy Training Network decided to set up a new infrastructure for delivering easily Galaxy related training material. The idea was to develop something open and online based on a community effort, as always in Galaxy.


You can view the tutorial materials in different languages by clicking the dropdown icon next to the slides (slides) and tutorial (tutorial) buttons below.

Before you start: Designing your lessons

These tutorials will guide you on the pedagogy to create impactful training material

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Design and plan session, course, materials
Principles of learning and how they apply to training and teaching

Getting Started with the GTN

These tutorials will get you started with the basics needed to contribute to the GTN. First we will show you how you can build the GTN website on GitPod or locally, and then the basics of creating tutorials and slides.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Running the GTN website online using GitHub CodeSpaces
Running the GTN website online using GitPod
Running the GTN website locally using the command line
Creating a new tutorial
Creating content in Markdown
Creating Slides
Updating tool versions in a tutorial

Advanced GTN Materials writing

Tutorials showing you how to use some advanced GTN features in your training materials.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Adding auto-generated video to your slides
Including a new topic
Teaching Python
Tools, Data, and Workflows for tutorials

Contributing through GitHub

How to collaborate with the GTN

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Contributing with GitHub via command-line
Contributing with GitHub via its interface

Analyses using GTN data

Over the years publications about the GTN and GTN communities have been published, and used GTN (meta)data to do it. These tutorials will show you how to leverage some of the data already contained within the GTN, but beware, they generally require programming skills!

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Single Cell Publication - Data Analysis
Single Cell Publication - Data Plotting


Assorted Tutorials

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Adding Quizzes to your Tutorial
Creating Interactive Galaxy Tours
GTN Metadata
Generating PDF artefacts of the website
Overview of the Galaxy Training Material
Updating diffs in admin training
FAIR Galaxy Training Material

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions regarding this topic have been collected on a dedicated FAQ page . Common questions related to specific tutorials can be accessed from the tutorials themselves.

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Editorial Board

This material is reviewed by our Editorial Board:

orcid logoBérénice Batut avatar Bérénice Batutorcid logoBjörn Grüning avatar Björn Grüning


This material was contributed to by:

orcid logoChristine Hadrossek avatar Christine Hadrossekorcid logoCristóbal Gallardo avatar Cristóbal Gallardoorcid logoWendi Bacon avatar Wendi BaconBazante Sanders avatar Bazante Sandersorcid logoBérénice Batut avatar Bérénice Batutorcid logoCarolin Leister avatar Carolin LeisterMehmet Tekman avatar Mehmet Tekmanorcid logoSaskia Hiltemann avatar Saskia Hiltemannorcid logoVojdan Kjorveziroski avatar Vojdan Kjorveziroskiorcid logoFotis E. Psomopoulos avatar Fotis E. Psomopoulosorcid logoLucille Delisle avatar Lucille DelisleTeresa Müller avatar Teresa Müllerorcid logoAchim Winandi avatar Achim Winandiorcid logoKrzysztof Poterlowicz avatar Krzysztof Poterlowiczorcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rascheorcid logoPavankumar Videm avatar Pavankumar Videmorcid logoKatarzyna Kamieniecka avatar Katarzyna KamienieckaMarius van den Beek avatar Marius van den BeekPablo Moreno avatar Pablo MorenoWilliam Durand avatar William DurandNiall Beard avatar Niall Beardorcid logoJulia Jakiela avatar Julia Jakielaorcid logoIrakleitos Souyioultzoglou avatar Irakleitos SouyioultzoglouSimon Bray avatar Simon Brayorcid logoDominique Green avatar Dominique Greenorcid logoPeter van Heusden avatar Peter van Heusdenorcid logoAnastas Mishev avatar Anastas MishevGildas Le Corguillé avatar Gildas Le Corguilléorcid logoBjörn Grüning avatar Björn GrüningАrnaud Gingold avatar Аrnaud Gingoldorcid logoLinelle Abueg avatar Linelle AbuegMelissa Burke avatar Melissa BurkeAndrea Bagnacani avatar Andrea Bagnacaniorcid logoAnthony Bretaudeau avatar Anthony BretaudeauPatricia Palagi avatar Patricia Palagiorcid logoMarisa Loach avatar Marisa LoachCyril Monjeaud avatar Cyril Monjeaudorcid logoSonja Filiposka avatar Sonja FiliposkaDonny Vrins avatar Donny VrinsAllegra Via avatar Allegra Viaorcid logoSimon Gladman avatar Simon Gladmanorcid logoMartin Čech avatar Martin Čechorcid logoNicola Soranzo avatar Nicola Soranzo


These individuals or organisations provided funding support for the development of this resource